Details of what happens at our meetings...
We welcome all visitors to attend our meetings. For a first visit we would recommend attendance at our weekly Gospel meeting. This will provide an opportunity for us to get to know you.
The order of each of our meetings is guided according to Biblical teaching and visitors will be requested to respect these arrangements.
Breaking of Bread
This is a meeting for Christians, who have been saved, baptised and are in local assembly fellowship (i.e. members of a local church). The purpose of this meeting is to remember the Lord Jesus Christ in the way He commanded in Luke 22.19-20 (see also 1 Corinthians 11.23-26 and Acts 20.7).
This meeting includes worship and thanksgiving to the Lord (without pre-arrangement). The Word of God will be read and may be commented on.
We welcome visitors who are believers and who can satisfy the elders that they are sound in faith and godly in life. To assist with this assessment we prefer those who are from other assemblies to bring a letter of commendation.
In the conduct of this meeting (as in all our meetings) we follow the Scriptural teaching that women remain silent and do not participate audibly in our meetings (1 Tim 2.11) and wear a head covering (1 Cor 11.5-6). Both men and women are asked to dress with decency and modesty (1 Pet 3.1-7; 1 Tim 2.9-10).
Without wanting to cause offence, we may ask those who attend, who are not in fellowship and of whom we have no personal knowledge, to observe this gathering without participating in taking the bread and the wine.
If you are interested in seeing what we do, you will be welcome to come and watch what goes on while we remember the Lord Jesus in the way that He appointed.
For those who plan to attend, we would ask you to arrive in good time before the meeting starts so that the elders can speak to you before entering the hall.
Gospel Meeting
An opportunity for all to come and listen to a message of good news from God concerning His Son, Christ Jesus. He came into the world to save sinners and has already changed the lives of many. We have a different speaker each week that comes from around the area.
We hold a Family Gospel Tea each month from February to December. This is usually (but not always) on the first Sunday in the month at 4:30pm. After the Gospel service all are invited to stay for tea. Please check the dates via our contact page if you wish to attend.​
Prayer Meeting and/or Bible Teaching
We meet for a time of prayer. We pray for fellow believers from the Gospel Hall, for friends and neighbours, for those around the area in need of help and God's salvation, for missionary work and workers, for the world in which we live.
(If you ever have a situation you would like us to pray about, please contact us)
At this meeting God's Word (the Bible) is read and sometimes discussed. Questions may be raised (by male attendees who are in fellowship in the church) and answered to give us a better understanding of God's teaching through His word. These meetings are convened for the teaching of God's word. A speaker will come (from anywhere in Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and present a message to encourage, strengthen or challenge us as we seek to live as Christians.
Missionary Study Class
These meetings are held occasionally in place of the Prayer and Bible teaching meeting. We listen to reports from Christians who may be working overseas or in this country, seeking to spread the Gospel message.
This occasion is for children aged 3+ when Bible based choruses are sung, Bible stories are told and Bible verses are learned. All the workers are DBS checked.
This occasion is for boys and girls from about 7 years of age to early teens. It commences with a short Bible story or message. After this there are refreshments and craft activities. All the adult male and female workers are DBS checked.
Other Activities
Regular leaflet distribution
Regular visits to local schools
Periodic visits of the Gospel Tent (on Bradmoor Field)
Schools Bible Exhibition
Special teaching weekends​